Deploy MAUI apps with Rider on your iOS device after these Xcode errors

In this short post, I show you how to make Rider deploy .NET MAUI iOS apps after getting Xcode errors about missing watchOS and tvOS extensions.
JetBrains Rider error on deploy .NET MAUI iOS

The Error

I am working a lot with .NET MAUI lately (both at work and for my private projects) and I use JetBrains Rider as the primary IDE on macOS. If you try to deploy an iOS app, your first attempt will likely fail with a big red error message like in the picture above.

The details tell us that the error is coming from missing Xcode extensions:

Failed to install application on device MSicc‘s iPhone 13 Pro: 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.382 mlaunch [18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.IDEDebugger.VariablesViewQuickLookProvider for extension Xcode.IDEDebugger.SpriteKitQuickLookProvider of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.384 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.IDEDebugger.VariablesViewQuickLookProvider for extension Xcode.SpriteKit.GKStateMachineQuickLookProvider of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.476 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor.WatchOS.WatchApplication of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.476 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.DataSourceConnection for extension Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.watchOSSimulator.DataSourceConnectionTargetHub of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.476 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor.WatchOS.Application of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.476 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor.WatchOS.Tool of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.477 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.ViewDescriber for extension Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.watchOSSimulator.ViewDescriber of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.477 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor.WatchOS.IntentsService-AppExtension of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.477 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.InfoEditorType for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.InfoEditorType.WatchOS.Bundle of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.477 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor.WatchOS.WatchKit2-AppExtension of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.477 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.InfoEditorSlice for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.InfoEditorSlice.WatchOS.BundleInfo of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.477 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.ViewDescriber for extension Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.watchOS.ViewDescriber of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.477 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor.WatchOS.Framework of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.477 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor.WatchOS.ExtensionKitAppExtension of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.477 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor.WatchOS.AppExtension of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.477 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.DataSourceConnection for extension Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.watchOS.DataSourceConnectionTargetHub of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.477 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.IDEiPhoneSupport.TargetEditor for extension Xcode.IDEiPhoneSupport.TargetEditor.WatchOS.Application of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.479 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor.IDEAppleTVSupportUIFramework of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.479 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor.IDEAppleTVSupportUI.Application of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.479 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor.IDEAppleTVSupportUI.AppExtension of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.479 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.DataSourceConnection for extension Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.tvOSSimulator.DataSourceConnectionTargetHub of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.479 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor.IDEAppleTVSupportUI.ExtensionKitAppExtension of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.479 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.InfoEditorType for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.InfoEditorType.appletvos.Bundle of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.479 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.ViewDescriber for extension Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.ATVSimulator.ViewDescriber of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.479 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.DeviceIconProvider for extension Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.DeviceIconProvider.AppleTV of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.479 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.ViewDescriber for extension Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.ATV.ViewDescriber of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.479 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.DataSourceConnection for extension Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.tvOS.DataSourceConnectionTargetHub of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.479 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.TargetSummaryEditor.IDEAppleTVSupportUI.XPC of plug-in 
2023-04-07 07:41:25.479 mlaunch[18882:2811826] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.InfoEditorSlice for extension Xcode.Xcode3ProjectSupport.InfoEditorSlice.appletvos.BundleTargetInfo of plug-in 
error MT1006: Could not install the application '' on the device 'MSicc‘s iPhone 13 Pro': AMDeviceSecureInstallApplicationBundle returned: 0xe800801c.

What the internet says…

Searching the web for this kind of errors will likely lead you to some solutions/workarounds about CommandLineTools. They all basically recommend the following approach:

  • uninstall existing Xcode CommandLineTools installations
  • install them again (best via Terminal)
  • set the CommandLineTools variable in Xcode and other IDEs to the separately installed tools

Spoiler alert: None of them work in this case.

The solution

The solution for this problem is to modify the .csproj file and the info.plist files of your .NET MAUI app. Visual Studio for Mac does these changes implicitly for you, this is something the Rider team could do as well.

Modifying the .csproj file

First, open the .csproj file in Rider by right-clicking on ‘Edit‘ and selecting ‘Edit ‘YourApp,csproj”. Add this PropertyGroup:

<PropertyGroup Condition="$(TargetFramework.Contains('-ios'))">

This will be your manual switch between deploying to the simulator and deploying to your device. Just comment/uncomment the RuntimeIdentifier as you need.

Modifying the info.plist files

The next step is to locate the info.plist files in your iOS (and Mac Catalyst) projects in the Platforms folder. Open both of them with by double click. At the bottom of the editor window, select ‘Text‘:

Jetbrains Rider Plist Editor / Text Switch

Add these lines to before the closing before the last closing dict tag:


You need to specify the CFBundleIdentifier (just copy the ApplicationId value from your .csproj file) explicitly. Same goes for the MinimumOSVersion – please note that you need to specify the value exactly as in the SupportedOSPlatformVersion property of your .csproj file (for both iOS and Mac Catalyst).

Save all of your modifications and close the solution. I recommend to manually delete the bin and object folders as well. Reopen the solution, let Rider load all the NuGet packages and recreate the bin and object stuff it needs.

When you hit the debug button, your Debug Console will still be full of red messages like those below, but you will be able to deploy (and debug) on your iOS device again.

Jetbrains Rider Debug Console with a lot of errors.


Visual Studio for Mac does all these steps for you. If you try and debug the app with VS4Mac, you will notice the same error messages also there, but they are not blocking you from debugging. If you want to deploy and debug with Rider, you’ll have to perform these extra steps to get it working.

If you want to add yourself to the issues on YouTrack, you can do so on these two posts related to the issue:

As always, I hope this post will be helpful for some of you.

Until the next post, happy coding, everyone!

Comments 4
  1. I just found this after 3 weeks of pulling my hair. I just switched to Rider (because of Copilot integration on the Mac platform), but was disappointed I couldn’t run my solution. Thank you!

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