Scroll to any item in your Xamarin.Forms CollectionView from your ViewModel

In this post, I am going to show you how we can easily extend CollectionView to implement ScrollTo-functionality through DataBinding from a ViewModel (for both grouped and non-grouped data sources).

If you are working with collections in your app, chances are high you are going to want (or need) to scroll to a specific item at some point. CollectionView has the ScrollTo method that allows you to do so. If you are using MVVM in your app however, there is no built-in support to call this method.

My solution

My solution for this challenge consists of following parts:

  • a BindableProperty in an extended CollectionView class to bind the item we want to scroll to
  • a configuration class to control the scrolling behavior
  • a base interface with the configuration and two variants derived from it (one for ungrouped items, one for grouped ones)

Let’s have a look at the ScrollConfiguration class:

public class ScrollToConfiguration
    public bool Animated { get; set; } = true;

    public ScrollToPosition ScrollToPosition { get; set; } = ScrollToPosition.Center;

These two properties are used to tell our extended CollectionView how the scrolling to the item will behave. The above default values are my preferred ones, feel free to change them in your implementation.

Next, let us have a look at the base interface:

public interface IConfigurableScrollItem
    ScrollToConfiguration Config { get; set; }

Then we will define two additional interfaces which we are going to use later in our ViewModel:

    public interface IScrollItem : IConfigurableScrollItem

    public interface IGroupScrollItem : IConfigurableScrollItem
        object GroupValue { get; set; }

For a non-grouped CollectionView, we just need to implement IScrollItem. If we have groups, we’ll use IGroupScrollItem to add an object that identifies the group (following the Xamarin.Forms API here).

Extending CollectionView

Let’s connect the dots and implement an extended version of the CollectionView – to do so, create a new class and derive from it. I named mine CollectionViewEx (ingenious, right?).

To wrap things up, we now add a BindableProperty with a PropertyChanged handler to our CollectionViewEx that we can bind against, and which is, most importantly, calling the ScrollTo method of CollectionView.

Here is the full class:

public class CollectionViewEx : CollectionView
    public static BindableProperty ScrollToItemWithConfigProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(ScrollToItemWithConfig), typeof(IConfigurableScrollItem), typeof(CollectionViewEx), default(IConfigurableScrollItem), BindingMode.Default, propertyChanged: OnScrollToItemWithConfigPropertyChanged);

    public IConfigurableScrollItem ScrollToItemWithConfig
        get => (IConfigurableScrollItem)GetValue(ScrollToItemWithConfigProperty);
        set => SetValue(ScrollToItemWithConfigProperty, value);

    private static void OnScrollToItemWithConfigPropertyChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
        if (newValue == null)

        if (bindable is CollectionViewEx current)
            if (newValue is IGroupScrollItem scrollToItemWithGroup)
                if (scrollToItemWithGroup.Config == null)
                    scrollToItemWithGroup.Config = new ScrollToConfiguration();

                    current.ScrollTo(scrollToItemWithGroup, scrollToItemWithGroup.GroupValue, scrollToItemWithGroup.Config.ScrollToPosition, scrollToItemWithGroup.Config.Animated);

            else if (newValue is IScrollItem scrollToItem)
                if (scrollToItem.Config == null)
                    scrollToItem.Config = new ScrollToConfiguration();

                    current.ScrollTo(scrollToItem, null, scrollToItem.Config.ScrollToPosition, scrollToItem.Config.Animated);

Let’s go through the code. The BindableProperty implementation should be common to most of us (if not, read up the docs). The most important part happens in the PropertyChanged handler.

By allowing the value of the BindableProperty to be null, we can reset the item and scroll to the same item again if necessary. Because IScrollItem as well as IGroupScrollItem derive from IConfigurableScrollItem, we can handle them both in one method. To make sure there is a default ScrollToConfiguration, I am checking the Config property for null – in case it is (because I forgot it), there is at least the default. In the end, I am scrolling to the Item in the CollectionView using the ScrollTo method.

The ViewModel(s) and Binding

Here is one of the (simple) ViewModels from the sample application for this post:

public class ItemViewModel : ViewModelBase, IScrollItem
    public ItemViewModel()
        this.Config = new ScrollToConfiguration();

    public string Text { get; set; }

    public int Number { get; set; }

    public ScrollToConfiguration Config { get; set; }

Now in the parent ViewModel, we just add another property that we can use to bind against the CollectionViewEx‘s ScrollToItemWithConfig property. The Binding is straight forward:

    ItemsSource="{Binding ScrollableItems}"
    ScrollToItemWithConfig="{Binding ScrollToVm}"
    SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItemVm, Mode=TwoWay}"
                <Label Margin="5,10" Text="{Binding Text}" />

The result of this whole exercise looks like this:


Even if the CollectionView control in Xamarin.Forms provides a whole bunch of optimized functionalities over ListView, there are some scenarios that require additional work. Luckily, it isn’t that hard to extend the CollectionView. Scrolling to a precise ViewModel is easy with the code above. Of course, I created also a sample Github repo.

As always, I hope this post will be helpful for some of you.

Until the next post, happy coding, everyone!
Code Snippets for Xamarin.Forms BindableProperty

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