5 Learning techniques you should know
When it comes to learning, I always had mixed results in the past. While I was able to memorize a lot of stuff for a short amount of time, I often had to look up several topics again and again once...
When it comes to learning, I always had mixed results in the past. While I was able to memorize a lot of stuff for a short amount of time, I often had to look up several topics again and again once...
In this post, I am showing the steps needed to profile a .NET MAUI iOS application on macOS. We will not use any IDE, just the terminal, utilizing the dotnet-trace global tool. While you can try to...
I recently needed a simple Swift type that deals with durations—like laps, run paces, or countdowns—without the complexity of calendar dates. Sure, I could use Date, Calendar, or TimeInterval, but ...
In 2024, I spent a lot of time diving deep into .NET MAUI, iOS development, and personal growth in software development. Here on my blog, I shared practical tips, insights, and reflections. Here’s ...
In this post, I’ll walk you through how to set up redirects across GitHub Pages websites with a straightforward approach. While GitHub Pages doesn’t have built-in server-side redirect functionality...
I recently finished the online course ‘iPhone Apps for Complete Beginners with Swift, SwiftUI & iOS17 (PacktPub)’. This course is part of my journey to learn the Swift programming language. Th...
With iOS 18, Apple introduced a lot of new cool features we developer can profit from. However, with legacy code bases like in my old Fishing Knots + application, some of these new features can mak...
I was thinking about moving away from WordPress as blogging platform for quite some time but hesitated mainly because of the amount of work this would cause I was afraid of. The recent chaos on the...
The book is split into three parts. The first one covers the basics of MVVM and .NET MAUI, while the second one goes hands on a full recipe app sample. The third part goes even deeper into specific...
My current side project is running on iOS and MacCatalyst. Even if both of them are able to share a lot of code, there are some challenges that you should be aware of if you’re going down this rout...